What is Channel Marketing? Many years ago, all trades-folks had to do to sell their products was to bring them to a centralised market where people will come to trade with them. These trades-folk will then return home after a long day of trading with their generated revenue, rinse and repeat the same procedure the […]
Entrepreneurship: Starting Small and Global Simultaneously
Is Entrepreneurship Constrained by Local or Global Market Forces? For a number of years, entrepreneurs have been told to start small and then expand. That is why there are a lot of businesses that start locally and then scale a little at a time over a long period of time. However, according to leading experts […]
Account Based Marketing (ABM) – Justified or a Waste of Time?
Why You Need Account Based Marketing Strategy? There are many questions about Account Based Marketing. In fact, there are extensive researches and articles available over the public domain all seeking to explain what ABM stands for and how it can be helpful to businesses. This piece intends to answer some of those questions, and signal a […]
Content Marketing – Strategy Development and Execution
A phrase pops up a lot in the Marketing universe – content is king. Content Marketing is truly king; the use of appropriate content has helped in propelling businesses to the top of their industry, and lack of quality content have also dragged businesses down into pits of wasted marketing efforts. Needless to say, content […]
Strategy Chronicles: Content Marketing
” Content is the reason why search begins in the first place” Why Content Marketing? The Buyer is today’s expert! According to a CMI funded research, 90% of all buyers will make purchasing decisions before reaching out to a brand (or Sales Person). 81% of all shoppers will search online before visiting any physical store. Invariably, […]