Curated Business Development and Marketing Insights

The Curse of Success

success mannequin

Success teaches you virtually nothing.

I believe real learning comes from little failures which are several feedback opportunities that comes before the success.

When you succeed and you mistakenly assume you’ve got nothing else to learn – then the success has evolved into a curse.

I see this with some new graduates.

I see this in some young professionals.

They stop learning because everything seems to be on track now.

I know you hear this a lot, but I’ll say it again – in a world that is continually changing, the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.

It’s a risky path. The consequences don’t occur immediately, but they do start accumulating.

In addition, when you succeed, the tendency is to think you’re somehow better than everyone else. You’re not. You’re just more successful. There’s a difference.

It took me a very long time to realize that the last paragraph is for everyone. Please read it again and let it sink in to your mind.

Once you realize that everyone has their own time, and you understand that you only become redundant if you are unable to evolve with time, then you can outgrow your successes and work towards new successes.

Think about it.